Welcome to our site
Faith Tabernacle is a nondenominational Christian assembly situated in Adelaide, South Australia. Our objective as a Christian assembly is to contend for the Apostolic Faith that was once delivered to the saints, believing that the original gospel as set out by the Apostles in the Bible is still relevant to the church today.

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Our services are streamed live. You may access them using the links below:
Coming of the Lord
We believe that Jesus Christ is soon to return to take His church home in a translation often referred to as the rapture. This church will be made up of a body of believers from all over the world that have been restored in both Word and Spirit to the Biblical pattern of the original church that was established on the day of Pentecost.
Age of Restoration
This is an age of restoration and we understand that God promised in Malachi chapter four that He would send a prophet in the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the children of the last days Church to the faith of the original Pentecostal fathers. We believe the ministry of William Branham fulfilled this promise to the church of Laodicea. God vindicated this ministry with the signs promised in the Bible for the last days and it is the message sent through this last days prophet that was to turn our hearts back to Bible faith.
Christ Must Increase
The ministry of William Branham was not sent to form a new cult or Christian sect. In a similar manner to the forerunner of the first coming of Christ John the Baptist, the ministry is simply to point us to Christ the Word not to glorify a man or his gifts. As John said, Christ must increase and I must decrease, so the end result of this message is the glorification of one person Christ Jesus our Lord. God will not share His glory with any man.
Purpose of the Website
This website has been designed to give access to our Sunday sermons and also a selection of messages preached by William Branham.
We trust that the sermons will be a blessing to you and that as a collective body of Christian believers we will be prepared for the coming of the Lord.
Contact Us
2 Parkwood Grove
Mitchell Park
South Australia
Brian Freeborn
Dominic Chua
Greg Dymmott
Service Times
Services are held each Sunday at 10am and 6pm.